Thé à commentaires constants Bigelow

Un favori de Bigelow. Créé par Ruth Bigelow dans sa cuisine il y a plus de 60 ans, « Constant Comment » est aujourd'hui le thé de spécialité le plus populaire d'Amérique. Ce mélange original des meilleurs thés de montagne est délicieusement parfumé à l'écorce d'orange et aux épices douces. Il n’existe aucun autre thé au monde qui lui ressemble.

28 pochettes


11 avis

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Ian Gray
Constant Comments ice tea is the best !

After a decade in Nashville I got onto to the Souther beverage of choice, ice tea. Constant Comment wasn't available locally so it was a delight to stay in our Toronto home and enjoy this special commodity. Java Works' pricing is fabulous compared to Amazon, and the local shop for all things exotic is 6 subway stops to the west of us. Frankly, I'd rather read a book and wait for delivery to the door.

Susan McIntyre
constant Comment

Very difficult to find this tea in Canada.
Java Works had the best price and fast delivery.

Rick Swain

The price was right and delivery was quick. Many thanks!

cate kerr

This is by far and away my favorite afternoon tea, and I was happy to find it here. My order arrived quickly in my nailbox, carefully packed and with no dinged boxes or damaged tea bags. I mad a pot right away. Well done!

Cathy Gregory

Love this Tea! The only one I will drink!