Thé en bâton de cannelle Bigelow
Le meilleur thé cultivé en montagne mélangé à de la cannelle pure et naturelle.
28 pochettes
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Le meilleur thé cultivé en montagne mélangé à de la cannelle pure et naturelle.
28 pochettes
5.0 / 5.0
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I have enjoyed Bigelow Cinnamon Stick Tea for many years, having discovered it in the U.S. while on vacation. During COVID I discovered a supplier here in Canada since visiting the U.S. was impossible. When I tried to order the tea from that source in March of this year I discovered the tea was out of stock. What to do? Luckily I found Javaworks! I placed my order, which arrived very quickly - in 3 days I think. I will continue to order from Javaworks due to their excellent service.
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Nothing tastes better in the morning than a cup of Java Works candy Cane Mocha coffee! Never disappoints!
Coffee was good, but no where near as nice as the smell. The smell is "off the charts" good. The taste was actually a bit of a let down. Don't get me wrong, it is still good rich coffee, but no where near as good as the smell.
Just finishing my first potful! Interesting flavour, it has a smooth and deep richness which lingers pleasantly.
I think I need to brew it a little stronger to really get its flavour!
Thank you!
Every time I brew this delicious flavour, my kitchen becomes engulfed in a most beautiful aroma and remains that way for a long time after.
Got this for hubby at Xmas, we both love how fast and easy it is, and the best coffee I've had in a while. Wish you had the gold reusable filters available.